An Invitation to
courageous conversations...
Recognition about the true nature and size of our predicament is still largely being denied in our culture. While an increasing number of people are now waking up to it many of us still feel isolated and unable to bring the depths of our understanding into conversation.
sharing with others...
Giving ourselves the space to meet this with each other is important in opening up to the many possibilities that still exist in the time that we still have. There is much to be felt, spoken and witnessed as we re-find ourselves in the reality we are in. One of the realisations we have had is that we can not do this alone. Finding our communities now has never been more important.
in a safe space...
We are offering monthly online support groups to build a solid community of like minded people. Sharing our grief and honest responses in this way is both healing personally and also helps us to play a stronger role in our communities.
“The most important thing, in response to climate change is to be willing to hear the sound of the earth's tears through our own bodies”
Thich Nhat Hahn
Why Attend?
One of the understandings we hold is that while there is nothing we can do now to prevent what is coming it doesn't mean there is nothing worth doing. Care for each other, our world and to at least try to minimise harm take on a greater focus. We don't offer any prescriptions about what right actions might look like. We do though believe if we approach this situation with reverence and allow the feelings to be expressed and held well, we will each find our own path to follow.
Who is it for?
The Sharing Group is for those people who accept our situation as it is and recognise that our way of life now is going to be forever changed. Even as we accept this, however, we still need a place to express the deep feelings and find some peace by doing so. It's a place to be honest and explore what needs to be felt. to learn from other people's experiences and refine our understanding about what may constitute right action for us as we go.
What it isn't.
It's not an information or discussion group. We don't debate whether this is real or not nor do we seek solutions or quick fixes. What is happening to the Earth is happening to us all, the point of the group is to meet the emotional process honestly and by so doing be more capable of offering this space to others. As we experience these troubled times together It's a chance to be heard, listen to and to be supported by a like minded community.
“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world.
All things break... Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditonally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.”
First Sunday of Month
European Time Zone Sharing Group / Zoom
Monthly community led sharing group suitable for people living in UK / Europe.
First Saturday of Month
US / AUS Time Zone Sharing Group / Zoom
Our monthly climate collapse support group led by Michael Shaw will resume early 2025.
Meet the Facilitators
Michael Shaw
I have a background in therapy, teaching and mindfulness. However my real self-description changed radically when the truth about the ecological and civilisational changes really landed.
I understood first hand that grief, with all of its fierce capacity to undo us, has a deeply transforming potency. It brought forth in me a new love for the world as well as a depth of purpose and aliveness that I hadn’t previously known. My documentary grew out of this. So now I'm a film maker and earth lover who sees grief, if met the right way, as a profound teacher.
Michelle Walter
I'm another human heartbroken by what is happening on the planet. Yet still deeply in love with life and nature and all her beauty and mystery.
Having worked as a therapist for almost 30 years, I make sense of what is happening through the lens of psychology and spirituality. More recently I am taken with simply witnessing. Witnessing the beauty and majesty of nature.. witnessing the grief and pain in myself and in my fellow humans.... and witnessing all the deep possibilities that exist within each one of us when let go and let ourselves truly be here with the precious time we have left.
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Climate / Collapse Sharing Group